The House of Umoja's programming centers around it's intentional community. In 2021 with gun violence raging in the streets of Philadelphia and urban centers across the globe, Queen Mother Falaka Fattah researched what were the elements that made the House of Umoja's No Gang War In '74 campaign successful and how we may apply them to help reduce the current state of violence. One glaring revelation was there was commUNITY. While the community may not have not been organized around it's intentions, there was community and communities within the community. Queen Mother Falaka Fattah always states, "the family is the problem and the family is the solution." In the late 60's through 2010, Umoja formed a kinship community that sometimes stood in stead for the natural family many of the young men were without. While, Umoja help reduce the violence the gangs were committing, the gangs were never disbanded, they just changed their intentions for the gang.
Calling ALL fathers and father-figures to commit to being involved in your children's education. While, the national march takes place on the first day of school, the Philadelphia Million Fathers March takes place year around: